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Beginner Wakesurf tips:


Updated: May 13, 2023

So you've never Wakesurfed before and you just booked your charter art Wakesurf Alaska to try it out. Here are a few videos to watch and get a good base understanding of what to do and what to expect before coming out with us! The more understanding you have showing up the faster you'll be up and surfing! We will still practice drills and give you tips to think about when you're trying to stand up on the surf board for the first time or how to correct bad habits if you've done it before, but knowing what we're talking about and seeing it done beforehand will help you to understand and pick it up quicker and get you spending more time on the board rather than floating in the water.

Here's a general overview of wakesurfing from one of the bests, Austin Keen:

Here's a more in depth overview of getting up out of the water for the first time by Dylan Ayala:

Ok so now you've stood up on the board and you're trying to drop into the wave and get your footing and stance right to start moving forward and back in the wave. Here Is a tutorial by Shaun Murray that will get you pointed in the right direction to start riding the wave correctly:




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